🤯 AI will land you a job

2023 job hunting is a volume game...

Hello World

Thanks for joining us! We’re Lorel and Reily - two curious people, startup builders, AI explorers, and best friends from our Stanford years.

We believe that AI innovation is going to finally unlock our ability to become multidisciplined - we mean truly multidisciplined - and realize new potential, the joy of creating, and self-development. Real multi-skill mastery has previously been bandwidth-constrained, but AI allows you to become a business strategist, a marketer, and an engineer. You should consider becoming a Jack of all trades. By the way, here’s the original full quote it you’ve never seen it. It was meant as a compliment:

A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one

Several forces come together right now to create a perfect storm:

  • Software is specializing and can execute entire tasks

  • Extreme pressure on the tech job market

  • Companies are having to do more with less

AI is so new that there are few masters. If you can quickly figure out how to leverage AI to extend your skillset, it’ll be a superpower. We plan to teach ourselves one concrete new skill each week and share it with you.

We’d love to know - what’s one question you have about using AI at work? Just reply back to this email ✍️

So what’s on the menu this week?

In the past few months, we’ve both spent a fair bit of time exploring new job opportunities. The main problem is that job searching is a huge emotional drainer on the front end. It demands energy while not giving much back.

Today we’re giving you our free template for a job application management tool, powered by ChatGPT. Tweak our template to your experiences, and it’ll churn out a well-written, separate cover letter document for each job opportunity.

We originally built it for ourselves and spent a ton of time refining prompts and testing it. After we literally applied to 50 jobs each in 2 days (with 0 burnout), we knew it was too good not to share.

Before you ask, “does anyone even read cover letters"?” - in our experience, YES, many recruiters and hiring managers do at some point in the process. It’s not worth it to half-ass, especially when you can churn a good letter out in seconds.

Automate your job search - we built you a free tool

So you click "Apply" on the LinkedIn job posting and see that 6,273 other people also think they’re a perfect fit for the role, and your heart sinks.

Job hunting in the tech industry has been particularly mind-boggling this year, with unprecedented layoffs and the collapse of the funding ecosystem. Job hunting is a volume game right now, which is why you should put minimal energy into the applications piece, and save all of your energy for where it’ll be reciprocated - great conversations, meeting awesome teams, and negotiating your compensation package.

We checked out tools like Loop CV and KickResume, but we have a really high bar for writing quality, and they weren’t yielding the results we wanted. So instead, we built ourselves a job application dashboard in Google Sheets with the help of ChatGPT and GPT for Sheets and Docs. After a ton of prompt refinement and testing, we’re confident that it’ll eliminate 90% of the time you spend on writing, editing, and applying.

What You’ll Need:

  • ChatGPT account (free version is fine)

  • GPT for Sheets and Docs extension

  • Google account (for using Google Sheets)

  • A copy of our dashboard template (grab it here)

  • Your resume

  1. Open our Recruiter Dashboard template. This Google Sheet is your home base.

  2. Read through the “Introduction and Index” tab to get acquainted with the purpose of each Sheet tab.

  3. Head over to the “Getting Set Up” tab, which will show you how to assemble the technical backbone of the tool.

    1. Make your own copy of the Google Sheet and write down your sheet’s unique ID (found in the URL)

    2. Make your own copy of the Cover Letter template and write down your document’s unique ID (found in the URL)

    3. Follow the instructions to set up the App Script, which is what formats each cover letter into a separate page (for your ease of downloading and submitting)

    4. Set up your ChatGPT account (if you don’t have one already) and grab your unique API key so that you can set up GPT for Sheets and Docs.

  4. Jump to the “Inputs” tab, where you’ll enter your unique work experiences and preferred cover letter template. Your inputs will feed into the ChatGPT prompts on the “Applications” tab that will create cover letters for you. We’ve added our examples for you in Column C, which have been carefully refined to yield good results. Feel free to use our examples to structure your inputs (but don’t forget to tailor it to your own experiences).

  5. Lastly, click over to the “Applications” tab, which now contains your final ChatGPT prompts. On this tab, you'll see that your prompts have been added to Row 3 (using your inputs). For each new job opportunity you're applying to, copy the entire job description text and paste it to Column B of a new row. Then, the prompts will break down the job description into manageable chunks so that ChatGPT can craft a great custom cover letter.

  6. Once the Sheet has generated your cover letter output, hit “Extensions” (in the menu) > “Macros” > “createCoverLetters.” This will create a new, formatted cover letter in the Google Drive folder where you’ve saved your cover letter template.

  7. Check off the “Completed” box in Column A to let the program know that you don’t need to run this particular row again.

And you’re done! Cover letters in seconds. Forward this email to a friend who needs this tool 🙌

If you’re hyped about the generative AI industry specifically, here are some of the coolest roles we’ve seen this week:

We want to feature an AI productivity hack from the community each week. If you have something to share with the class, hit us at [email protected] đŸ˜„

Hello World

Thanks for joining us! We’re Lorel and Reily - two curious people, startup builders, AI explorers, and best friends from our Stanford years.

We believe that AI innovation is going to finally unlock our ability to become multidisciplined - we mean truly multidisciplined - and realize new potential, the joy of creating, and self-development. Real multi-skill mastery has previously been bandwidth-constrained, but AI allows you to become a business strategist, a marketer, and an engineer. You should consider becoming a Jack of all trades. By the way, here’s the original full quote it you’ve never seen it. It was meant as a compliment:

A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one

Several forces come together right now to create a perfect storm:

  • Software is specializing and can execute entire tasks

  • Extreme pressure on the tech job market

  • Companies are having to do more with less

AI is so new that there are few masters. If you can quickly figure out how to leverage AI to extend your skillset, it’ll be a superpower. We plan to teach ourselves one concrete new skill each week and share it with you.

We’d love to know - what’s one question you have about using AI at work? Just reply back to this email ✍️

So what’s on the menu this week?

In the past few months, we’ve both spent a fair bit of time exploring new job opportunities. The main problem is that job searching is a huge emotional drainer on the front end. It demands energy while not giving much back.

Today we’re giving you our free template for a job application management tool, powered by ChatGPT. Tweak our template to your experiences, and it’ll churn out a well-written, separate cover letter document for each job opportunity.

We originally built it for ourselves and spent a ton of time refining prompts and testing it. After we literally applied to 50 jobs each in 2 days (with 0 burnout), we knew it was too good not to share.

Before you ask, “does anyone even read cover letters"?” - in our experience, YES, many recruiters and hiring managers do at some point in the process. It’s not worth it to half-ass, especially when you can churn a good letter out in seconds.

Automate your job search - we built you a free tool

So you click "Apply" on the LinkedIn job posting and see that 6,273 other people also think they’re a perfect fit for the role, and your heart sinks.

Job hunting in the tech industry has been particularly mind-boggling this year, with unprecedented layoffs and the collapse of the funding ecosystem. Job hunting is a volume game right now, which is why you should put minimal energy into the applications piece, and save all of your energy for where it’ll be reciprocated - great conversations, meeting awesome teams, and negotiating your compensation package.

We checked out tools like Loop CV and KickResume, but we have a really high bar for writing quality, and they weren’t yielding the results we wanted. So instead, we built ourselves a job application dashboard in Google Sheets with the help of ChatGPT and GPT for Sheets and Docs. After a ton of prompt refinement and testing, we’re confident that it’ll eliminate 90% of the time you spend on writing, editing, and applying.

What You’ll Need:

  • ChatGPT account (free version is fine)

  • GPT for Sheets and Docs extension

  • Google account (for using Google Sheets)

  • A copy of our dashboard template (grab it here)

  • Your resume

  1. Open our Recruiter Dashboard template. This Google Sheet is your home base.

  2. Read through the “Introduction and Index” tab to get acquainted with the purpose of each Sheet tab.

  3. Head over to the “Getting Set Up” tab, which will show you how to assemble the technical backbone of the tool.

    1. Make your own copy of the Google Sheet and write down your sheet’s unique ID (found in the URL)

    2. Make your own copy of the Cover Letter template and write down your document’s unique ID (found in the URL)

    3. Follow the instructions to set up the App Script, which is what formats each cover letter into a separate page (for your ease of downloading and submitting)

    4. Set up your ChatGPT account (if you don’t have one already) and grab your unique API key so that you can set up GPT for Sheets and Docs.

  4. Jump to the “Inputs” tab, where you’ll enter your unique work experiences and preferred cover letter template. Your inputs will feed into the ChatGPT prompts on the “Applications” tab that will create cover letters for you. We’ve added our examples for you in Column C, which have been carefully refined to yield good results. Feel free to use our examples to structure your inputs (but don’t forget to tailor it to your own experiences).

  5. Lastly, click over to the “Applications” tab, which now contains your final ChatGPT prompts. On this tab, you'll see that your prompts have been added to Row 3 (using your inputs). For each new job opportunity you're applying to, copy the entire job description text and paste it to Column B of a new row. Then, the prompts will break down the job description into manageable chunks so that ChatGPT can craft a great custom cover letter.

  6. Once the Sheet has generated your cover letter output, hit “Extensions” (in the menu) > “Macros” > “createCoverLetters.” This will create a new, formatted cover letter in the Google Drive folder where you’ve saved your cover letter template.

  7. Check off the “Completed” box in Column A to let the program know that you don’t need to run this particular row again.

And you’re done! Cover letters in seconds. Forward this email to a friend who needs this tool 🙌

If you’re hyped about the generative AI industry specifically, here are some of the coolest roles we’ve seen this week:

We want to feature an AI productivity hack from the community each week. If you have something to share with the class, hit us at [email protected] đŸ˜„